With the beginning of a new school term in January, there is always a dilemma to reflect on.

Do we continue or make a new start?

It’s been a while since we closed our classroom doors, and the longer the break, the harder it is to return.

Usually, we switch off to relax, clear our minds and reset ourselves.

By removing our professional shoes., we refill our motivational resources and recharge our energy banks. 

That’s a mere and pure need every teacher should do during non-teaching days.

We deliberately say non-teaching because of a commonly accepted misperception that winter holidays are also holidays for students and teachers.


Teachers then have a teaching pause, but they usually use this period to reflect on their half-school year period, achieved goals, what steps to take, how to improve some parts of their practice, and so many other teacher training issues.

The teacher’s mind never shuts off, and it is always at least on standby mode.

Go for a coffee with the teacher, and you will see what they discuss!

They try to avoid the topic of school, educational trends, teaching problems, and school system (non)support, but their conversation always shifts its course to the direction they are most concerned about.

So, teachers detach in a way, but only and literally from teaching performance, relaxing their vocal cords, and releasing emotional and mental strains. 

After some time of absence from teaching and performing, it could be the same syndrome as the actors. Lighting in their teaching mode requires a short period of slight adaptation because it suggests starting from scratch.

It can also be a new beginning because teachers make new plans to enrich their practice or develop themselves academically or personally. That motivates them to change something, and change is always needed.

How much change do we need?

Reflect, reflect, and reflect!

That is the initial and essential stage of the whole development process to realize the answer to this question.

By doing self-reflection and analysis, teachers are more open to change, embrace new methodologies and skills and finally teach trends that, whether we like them or not, are inevitable. They are mirrors of constant social changes.

Start your change with that feeling of missing something. 

What is it? 

Planning your goals and how to reach them?

Reinforcement of digital competencies?

Catching up with media and information literacy trends?

How well can you apply some new teaching methods?

How often do you need to learn something new quickly, usually without intense leading tutoring and support? 

Working and teaching motivation strategies?

Can you help your own professional and personal status be more balanced?

Seeking for more mental and physical helping techniques to make your well-being stronger?

Are you getting back to your creativity and finding more sense, practicality, logic, peace, joy, and beauty in expressing your thoughts differently, just evolving your artistic self?

How can visualising concepts help you with building your creativity?  

Do you dream of starting your entrepreneurship journey and realising yourself fully?

By self-reflection and analysis, teachers are more open to change, embracing new methodologies and skills, and, finally, teaching trends that, whether they like them or not, are inevitable and mirror constant social changes.

Towards the near future, educational needs

Professional experts recently said two significant skills are needed for near- and far-future job demands: speaking/presentation and problem-solving skills.

As much as we need science-oriented subjects, we must also develop creative expression. By thinking about what to say and how to say it, and b planning our expressions, we need to synthesise various, combined knowledge. 

A balanced quantity of each leads us towards the right path to take.

It is always a social and educational priority to provide our students with the best we can. 

Can we, if we lack the same? 

Lina Edu Erasmus+ Courses teacher training programmes and content deal with each question previously mentioned, and not only that, Lina Edu courses are structured to lead and support every teacher or school staff member to master training development the way they usually miss due to the rapidity of changes, lack of training resources and dealing with work requirement.

We are your eligible teacher training partner. Therefore, we prioritise your development.