Feeling the pressure to create engaging lessons that address essential topics? We get it! At Lina Edu Erasmus+ Courses, we specialise in helping educators develop dynamic and impactful learning experiences. Today, we’re sharing a quick and easy activity that leverages World Health Day’s theme in 2024, “My health, my right,” to spark critical thinking and debate in your classroom.
Celebrate World Health Day: A Simple Activity to Engage Your Students
Every year, on April 7th, the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Health Day. This year’s theme, “My health, my right,” offers a powerful opportunity to encourage discussion and critical thinking in your classroom.
No time to prep? No problem!
This quick and engaging activity can be used as a standalone debate or incorporated
into a larger lesson about health and human rights.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- A whiteboard or projector (optional)
- Markers or pens (optional)
Here’s how to do it:
- Set the Stage:
- Introduce World Health Day: Briefly discuss the importance of World Health Day and this year’s theme, “My health, my right.”
- The Debate Prompt:
- Present the Quote: Pose the statement “My health, my right” as a debate topic.
- The Mini-Debate (15 minutes):
- Select Participants: Choose two students to participate in the mini-debate.
- Preparation Time (2 minutes): Give students 2 minutes to prepare three arguments supporting the statement “My health, my right.”
- The Debate:
Opening: Briefly explain the debate format, including time limits for arguments and rebuttals.
Student Debate: Each student presents their arguments, followed by a brief rebuttal from the other student.
Teacher’s Role: You can play devil’s advocate, offering counterarguments to encourage deeper thinking.
- Closing Arguments: Each student gets a final opportunity to summarise their key points.
- 4. Decision Time:
- Form a Jury: Assign two students to act as judges and two others as their assistants.
- Evaluation: The jury and assistants discuss the debate, considering the quality of arguments, presentation style, and overall persuasiveness.
- The Verdict: The jury announces the winner based on their evaluation.
- Feedback and Discussion:
- Open Discussion: Encourage the class to share their thoughts on the debate and the statement “My health, my right.”
Benefits of this activity:
- Promotes critical thinking and debate skills
- Encourages research and knowledge acquisition
- Improves public speaking and presentation skills
- Fosters active listening and communication
Let’s Make World Health Day Meaningful!
We’re always happy to hear your feedback and suggestions. This simple activity offers a springboard for engaging your students on a crucial topic.
Remember, Lina Edu Erasmus+ Courses offers a variety of professional development programs designed to empower educators. Visit our courses to learn more and take your teaching to the next level!
We’re always happy to hear your feedback and suggestions. Share your experiences with this activity in the comments below!
We hope you find this activity helpful!